2014年2月25日 星期二

Human Life International – 2013 Annual Report

Mission Statement

Human Life International is a Catholic apostolate seeking to respond to our calling as followers of Jesus Christ by building a Culture of Life and of Love around the world through education, outreach, advocacy, and service.
Human Life International is a Catholic apostolate seeking to build a Culture of Life and Love by proclaiming the Gospel of Life around the world.  In response to our Lord Jesus Christ, we defend the Culture of Life and confront the Culture of Death through education, outreach, advocacy and service while extending a message of mercy.
HLI pursues this mission through the following efforts:
  • We promote and defend the inalienable rights and dignity of every human being from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.
  • We serve and protect the most vulnerable members of society, each of whom is made in the image and likeness of God.
  • We uphold and defend the social and moral teaching of the Catholic Church regarding all life issues including: abortion, euthanasia, contraception, chastity, marriage, and family.
  • We advocate in the public square for a clear understanding of authentic, basic human rights granted to all people by God.
HLI believes the specific concerns and needs of local communities can be best identified by those who live there. Thus, our world headquarters, located in Front Royal, Virginia, is an educational apostolate devoted to empowering our international leaders and the people they serve.
Our Catholic teachers and trainers work with those of all faiths and cultures all around the globe. We bring the Gospel of Life to places where the culture of death is only beginning to encroach on what are always, naturally, pro-life societies; or where it has already taken root. In many countries, HLI and its affiliates are thepro-life movement.
Human Life International exists For the glory of God and defense of Life, Faith and Family. (Fr Paul Marx OSB, Founder)

