2014年2月25日 星期二

19th Asia Pacific Congress on Faith, Life, and Family

第一天議題 (2013/11/15星期)
1. 比爾蓋茨基金會的議程的爭議? (No Controversy? The Agenda of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Fight for Life Around the World)
Dr. Brian Clowes,
Director for Training and Education Human Life International (U.S.A.)
2.以科學的觀點看生命何時開始  (When Does Life Begin: A Scientific Perspective)
Dr. Maureen Condic,
Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy;  Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics; Director of Human Embryology and of Neuroanatomy University of Utah. U.S.A.
3. 聯合國如何鼓吹墮胎、同性戀和死亡文化  (The United Nations: How it Promotes Abortion, Homosexuality, and the Culture of Death)
Mary Langlois,
HLI Representative to the United Nations (U.S.A.)
4. 傳播媒體有關同性戀的神話  (Media Myths About Homosexuality)
Dr. Brian Clowes
5.醫務人員的道德與法律  (Medics, Ethics and Law)
Dr. Angelita Miguel-Aguirre,
Professor, Department of Medicine and Bio-Ethics
University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Philippines

第二天議題 (201311/16星期)
6. 死亡文化的十大戰術 (The Ten Tactics of the Culture of Death)
Dr. Brian Clowes
7. 幹細胞的研究與倫理 (Stem Cells: Research and Ethics)
Dr. Maureen Condic
8. 為什麼不要接種疫苗? (Vaccination: Why Not?)
Dr. Ligaya A. Acosta
Open  Forum
9:  天主對我們生命計劃的智慧 (The Wisdom of GOD’s Plan for Our Lives)
Dr. Brian Clowes
10. 生命維護工作的核心-返回到人的真實身份- (Return to Man's True Identity - The Core of Our Pro-Life Work)
Rev. Fr. Shenan Bouquet
11:聖母在為生命與家庭戰鬥中的重要性  (The Role of MARY in the Fight for  Life and Family)
His Excellency Archbishop  Ramon C. Arguelles
Metropolitan Archbishop, Archdiocese of Lipa, Philippines

Human Life International (HLI) &
The Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
Nov. 14-16 2013
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

